Information overload
Selected section of video
0.00 - 0.18
Key to coding system ¹
Using a hierarchical system:
GIVE_INF - Give information
REQ_INF - Request information
CONF_INF - Confirm information
.LOC - (Location)
Customer: OK, so we could go to Los Angeles -- REQ_INF.LOC
Agent: Yes and that's going to give you more flexibility. CONF_INF.LOC
Customer: -- and then if we wanted we could go from Los Angeles to anywhere else in the States. REQ_INF.LOC
Agent: Yes, CONF_INF.LOC
as long as you're all booked in. ²
Agent: Um, and that's going to give you, obviously, as I say, you can just -- that's going to New Zealand GIVE_INF.FLIGHT
-- so you can stop through the Pacific GIVE_INF.LOC
-- that uses Ansett -- GIVE_INF.FLIGHT
so you can travel around Australia... GIVE_INF.LOC
Graphs of frequencies of utterances

This first graph shows the relation between the amount of information requested on locations and the information recieved. It shows an equal balance which does not suggest any information overload.

¹ Based on examples by John Halloran
² Possibly GIVE_INF.FLIGHT, but depends on conformation from data prior to this excerpt
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